Section 7701

New Release coming February 1, 2025!

Unveiling the Truths of the U.S. Income Tax Law: How Congress concealed legal meanings of familiar words in Section 7701.

Discover how references were omitted to Section 7701 which defines the familiar words ‘individuals,’ ‘persons,’ and ‘taxpayers’ to mean foreigners outside the United States. By incorrectly using plain English meanings of these words, the tax has been illegally enforced inside the United States, when it does not include Americans inside the United States like you

Meet Tom Clayton, MD

From Medicine to Unmasking the Truth

Dr. Tom Clayton, a seasoned medical professional and mathematician, brings a meticulous approach to uncovering the truths hidden within U.S. tax laws by insisting that rules be obeyed. He wanted to know why tax advisors and the IRS make so many mistakes.

Using the power of search engines and AI proves that they are applying an income tax inside the United States that only applies outside the United States.  Since 1916, no income tax has applied inside the United States because the Supreme Court in Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad Co. ruled that the 16th Amendment did not confer new taxation powers.

This is why Congress repealed the 1913 tax in the 1916 Act, which specified that the income tax only applied to citizens or residents with foreign employers or foreign income. Subsequent acts never mention domestic citizens while repeatedly mentioning citizens abroad or in the insular possessions​.

Tom Clayton, MD
Using computers to overcome confirmation bias

What You'll Learn Inside These Pages

● The Legal Definitions: Nobody looks for legal meanings of familiar words. Congress uses the familiar words persons, individuals and taxpayers, but by omitting references to Section 7701, conceals the fact that they mean foreigners outside the United States. 

● The History They Hide: Search engines found that Congress repealed the income tax inside the United States in 1916. No federal lawyer enforcing the tax realizes that withholding proves that the tax only applies to foreigners outside the United States.   

●Why It Matters Today: Search engines enable everyone to see the law for themselves without federal interference, so that they can see that the income tax only applies outside the United States.

Real Reactions From Readers

“Tom’s book opened my eyes. It’s easy to read and uses search engines to prove that the income tax law only applies outside the United States.”

– A.W., Lawyer

American Citizens inside the United States

By using the power of search engines, American citizens can see that they are taxed only when they have employers who are located outside the United States (Section 861). 

The law itself contradicts the “Administrative State” — a complex web of unelected self-regulated federal lawyers acting as judge, jury, and executioner for an income tax inside the United States that has not existed since 1916. 

Unmasking the Tax Code

Federal lawyers have misapplied the income tax inside the United States by using plain English meanings of some familiar words that have legal meanings. Because Congress omitted references to Section 7701, nobody knows that citizens or residents of the United States are taxed only when they have employers outside the United States.

What This Means For You

After seeing the legal definitions of the most familiar words and withholding, you’ll view the federal tax system in a whole new light. This book doesn’t just inform and educate. It shows how the tax has been illegally enforced inside the United States by making assumptions, not by law.  

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Note For Readers

This book does not tell individuals what to do or give financial advice. It uses search engines and legal definitions of familiar words inside the law to prove that the income tax does not apply inside the United States.